welcome back, diary!

so this is going to potentially be either REALLY boring or REALLY interesting. why? because it's really gonna just start being a play by play of my daily comings and goings, and whatever thought process i'm going through, so in all likelihood it won't always be funny. i will also start the next 7 blogs by documenting the 7 days i'm going to have WITHOUT logging on to myspace. i had a bet with Kevin that i could do it. so he has to go without myspace as well, starting on January 1st at 12AM. wish me luck!
i took this at work just now (which is where i am since midnight) until 8am. i just took a red bull and i'm bouncing off the walls. okay i'm just shaking my right leg frantically. whatever. i am well rested, having caught up on my poor sleep patterns all day yesterday, so i am all gung-ho about going to the gym RIGHT after work. it IS sunday, on New Year's Eve, but i'm hoping the gym in Chelsea is open. i mean, it's GOTTA be, right? demographically speaking, they'd be stupid not to be open EVERY day. anyway. i will up this blog as needed, or move on, as the day changes. i'll EVEN let you know the dumbest lil things like what time i brushed my teeth, which kiehl's shaving product is more effective, and how many hours i've clocked in for the latest video game i'm fixated on! it is now 6:20AM. maybe i'll check in around 5pm, which is when i start my second shift. sundays i essentially work from midnight to midnight: 12-8am, stay at the hotel and sleep for 8 hours, then come back in from 4pm-12am. EVERY sunday. hopefully i'll have enough energy afterwards to find something free to do to bring in the new year. besides be on myspace.
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