Monday, October 22, 2007

weblog 10222007-1

Panic attack. Again. I need to do something with this ay besides work. It's 2:24pm and i'm en route to midtown. What am I doing to improve my situation? The wage garnishing has crippled me mentally more than financially. Lord knows it IS possible to manage. To do without.

There are things I can do as the situation permits, but what can I do RIGHT now? I have an hour before work starts. Why don't I make this a cardio day? I can go before or after work. What else can I do BEFORE going into work?

Barnes and noble? I would really be playin myself if I get that damn abds diet book again, wouldn't I?

Comic book store? Only brought it up because it's a thought that popped into my head.

All i've done so far is channel surf and watch porn. Not a good start to the day.

I hate my job. Change it! At least call ONE temp agency and set up an appointment. *sigh*

Check into starbucks and set up shop. Make some phone calls. Aquent is a good place to start.

Game plan:
Starbucks job quest. Realistic jobs to gun for given my established skillset include temping and admin, even personal assistant. Anything support staff oriented.

During work I will work on staying relaxed and focused. Continue reading through the Four Agreements and blogging my take on it. For the last couple of hours I will get my energy and outlook up so that I am mentally prepped for the gym.

At the gym I will focus on abs and cardio. I'll try to get my ass home as soon as possible and sleep so I can take nina to that "class" at 10am.


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