Saturday, September 27, 2008

new rituals

here's one thing new that i find myself doing:

i scrub the tub down before every bath/shower. lately it's been the only way i feel completely clean after.

used to be that i'd just sleep in bed all funky from the gym, or work, and not really give a fuck. mentally i just can't seem to bear the idea that i'm cultivating bacteria and other organisms (and the bad DIRTY kind!) in my sleeping life. i'm more inclined to shower at night and wash away all the grime and sweat i'd accumulated versus showering in the morning. fuck a fresh start, here's to ending the day with added peace of mind!

the same seems to go with my diet. as i'm getting older, the motivations for adopting a healthier lifestyle have become more immediate, and i am more inclined to follow through. not because i love healthy shit, or that i feel that i should, but i seem to reap the rewards or suffer the consequences within a shorter window period. eat poorly and my stomach will retaliate. go to the gym or the usual creaking will ensue.

getting old? or my body is smacking my soul upside the head to get it together so it can live longer...


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